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Wound Care

Wound Care

Wound Care services offered in Arlington, TX

Small wounds unfortunately can have serious effects on your health and well-being without proper treatment and management. At Heart of Hope Housecalls, Daphne Jones-Black, FNP-BC, and her team provide comprehensive wound care to patients in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Our team takes a personalized approach to your health, creating a care plan based on your concerns and needs. We provide comprehensive wound care within the comfort of your home. Call today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.

About Wound Care

What is wound care?

Proper care is essential to help prevent infection, promote healing, and minimize the risk of severe adverse reactions.

Wound care focuses on cleaning, disinfecting, and treating various types of wounds. These wounds can be minor skin lacerations, mild burns, or non-healing wounds and may include ulcers. 

Why might I need wound care?

Whether you're managing diabetes-related ulcers or facing mobility challenges after an injury, personalized wound care ensures you receive the attention and treatment necessary for a smooth and effective recovery.

Heart of Hope Housecalls can address many types of wounds, including:

Abrasion or scrape

These shallow wounds are typically the result of rubbing or scraping against the skin's surface. An abrasion requires proper cleaning and care to prevent infection and promote healing.

Cuts and lacerations

Cuts and lacerations are injuries that involve a break in the skin, ranging in severity from minor cuts that may need adhesive strips to deeper lacerations that may require stitches for closure.

Puncture wounds

Puncture wounds are thin, deep injuries where a pointed object penetrates the skin, like stepping on a nail. These wounds require thorough cleaning to prevent infection and, in some cases, tetanus prevention. Our services provide what is required based on the treatment needed.

Diabetic ulcers

Diabetic ulcers are slow-healing sores or wounds that often occur on the feet or lower limbs in people with diabetes. They often require ongoing management and care to preserve tissue, prevent infection, and minimize the risk of more severe complications, such as amputation.

What does wound care involve?

Wound care can involve several steps based on the size and depth of your wound. Typical steps may include:


The Heart of Hope Housecalls team conducts a comprehensive evaluation, assessing the wound's size, depth, and overall condition.

Cleaning and debridement

The team provides thorough cleaning and removal of deteriorating tissue to help prevent infection and promote optimal healing.

Dressing changes

The team applies sterile dressings to protect your wound, keep it clean, and prevent infection.

Stitches or staple removal

The team may use stitches or staples to close the wound. During your next appointment, they may remove these closures, ensuring a smooth and comfortable healing process.

Wound infection management

Heart of Hope Housecalls can address any signs of infection and may prescribe antibiotics if necessary.

Pain management

Our care team may prescribe pain relievers to manage your discomfort while your wound heals.


Regular follow-up visits allow for tracking healing progress and making any required adjustments to the care plan.

Call Heart of Hope Housecalls today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about wound care.